
I've Been Jipped

Mannnn curse Sally Beauty!!!

I spent hours & hours {ok, like 30 min} scouring & looking for one in my 'hood. After all the rave reviews I kept reading about it on my hair blogs, I believed my hair would be forever stifled if I didn't get to a Sally Beauty store QUICK. Finally, I happen upon one. Eureka, right?! NON! >:O

So I get there & walk in with relief cuz I figure they'll have every hair care item & product I'll ever need.

Of course that doesn't happen. -__-

Ok so the main product that I wanted to get was the Olive Oil Eco Styler Gel. They didn't carry that particular kind so I settled for the original one which was FIVE WHOLE BUCKS!! {trust-that's a hefty chunk of change for this here jug}

Then I pick up a Denman brush. {all the hair blogs I read raaave about this brush}
Price tag: $9.00 ?!?!?! Tha heezy?!!

I should've put it down. But I was convinced I wouldn't find it anywhere else in my town.

Now, with new hair care items in tow, I go about my merry way.

Fast forward to today

I have more hair stuff to buy. {not for myself this time} I bring a friend along for the ride. In short, we went to THREE different hair supply stores ALL within like, 4 minutes of eachother and EACH store had the OLIVE OIL Eco Styler Gel AND the Denman brush. And the prices kept getting less & less with each store we went to.


Lesson learned: explore what's around me. I swear nothing exists here and stay going to the city for everything. Clearly, I'm wrong. I must embrace this uncool town that I reside in. Maybe, I'll realize that it's not as bad as I think it is!

Bright side: I'm so happy to have unearthed these stores! They have everything! For cheap! #winning :D

Still. Curse Sally Beauty and it's commercial existence!

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