
Is My Black Beautiful?

Actress Gabrielle Union recently blogged about her self-esteem issues and being a dark skinned woman.

"We don’t generally share these stories. These are things that you generally take to the grave with you. You don’t want people to know that I hate my nose. You don’t want people to know that I have this fear a light-skinned woman walking into the room, ya’ know, you don’t want people to know that, so you take that your grave. "


Read the whole post here.

I admire her for sharing this. Its sad though, that at her age she is still coming to terms with her physical features and learning to accept and realize them as beautiful. Dwayne Wade, do better. These doubts should have been erased from her mind by now. :-P Atleast Gabrielle is loving herself more and helping others do the same along the way.

...She should take a lesson from Gabourey Sidibe on self confidence. no shots.

1 comment:

  1. It's sad but it is very true.
    These self-esteem issues plauge our society through all ages, and skin tones.
    It takes great courage to admit it. But the next step is for her and for all of us to accept ourselves as what we are and what the Lord intended us to be.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Keep it coming!
